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Course Descriptions

Our courses are offered seasonally and upon advanced booking.

By clicking BOOK ONLINE below you will be shown what Upcoming COurses we are currently offering.


For private group reservations please email us

Florida CWL/Handgun Safety Course


Some Florida Concealed Weapon License  (CWL) classes run 2 or 3 hours long.  Some have each student shoot one round into a barrel or bucket of sand. Then you will get a certificate to qualify you to obtain your Florida Concealed Weapon License.  You will then be licensed to carry your firearm concealed for self-defense purposes.  Do you really want the bare minimum? 
While you can find a Florida CWL class costing you less money and a class that runs in a shorter amount of time, we feel that people wishing to carry a firearm for self-defense should have proper training with firearms and our course offers just that.


We run a qualified CWL - Handgun Safety Course. The course runs approx 6 ½ hours in length and we do significant handling of many different types, makes & models of handguns. Students then step out onto the range where they fire several different calibers of the handguns we worked on in the class. Upon completion, participants receive a TDTC Certificate qualifying  for a Florida CWL.


Anything less is doing a great disservice to you, your family and friends. Carrying a firearm without proper training is a disaster waiting to happen.  You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to be properly trained…..let us all be responsible, safe gun owners.


This Florida CWL class is a prerequisite for all higher-level TDTC handgun courses. 



[ $85.00 Includes ammunition, range and use of guns. ]


Close Combat/Defensive Handgun Course


A three-plus hour class designed to build upon skills learned in the Florida CWL/Handgun Safety Course. The class starts with "Close Combat" techniques, then "Shooting While Moving" emphasizing proper use of cover.  The class ends with an introduction to our "Walk in the Park", Range teaching how to enter a home or building by utilizing techniques emphasized in "Angle of Incidence" training.


Students learn to use their handgun safely, quickly, and reflexively in close-range high-speed defensive situations, and to understand the legal responsibilities of handgun use.  This course should be considered a minimum for anyone who considering carrying a handgun for self-defense. 

[ $80.00 Does not include ammunition. You will need approximately 200 rounds. ]


Advanced Defensive/Tactical Handgun Course


A quick refresher of drills from the "Close Combat/Defensive" class.  Then participants will learn & practice reloading under fire & clearing malfunctions, addressing multiple threats and Shoot/Don't Shoot scenarios in a live range setting.  An introduction to shooting with both weak hand and strong hand.


[ $80.00 Does not include ammunition. You will need approximately 200 rounds. ]


Concealed Carry: Active Shooter Response Course

An in-depth course covering Close Combat drills, Shooting While Moving, Addressing Threats in Chaotic Situations, Shooting Decision-Making, Shooting from seated positions etc. 

The "Active Shooter" course has some different facets. We have done classes for Church "Security Teams" as well as classes for various businesses & professional organizations and practices. For example:


  • Medical Practices office and Staff

  • Professional Offices and Staff

  • Realtors and Real Estate agents

In conjunction with the "Active Shooter" programs, TDTC offers additional options to include:


  • Planning and Preparation

  • Threat Assessment and Facility Evaluation

  • Legal Ramifications of Use of Force

  • Stop the Bleed and "Civilian Active Assailant Medical Preparedness (CAAMP)

[ $80.00 Does not include ammunition. You will need approximately 250 rounds. ]


AR-15 Operation & Qualification

An in-depth course covering AR-15 overview & Nomenclature, Field Stripping (as well as Bolt-Carrier Group), Parts, Maintenance & Cleaning, Function Checking. The course covers an extensive amount of information from basic to the skilled shooter


Then to the Range to shoot various drills, including Shooting While Moving, Proper Use of Cover, Transitioning to Sidearm. Bring your AR-15, 3 magazines and sling. Also your sidearm (handgun) and holster.

[ $100.00 Does not include ammunition. You will need approximately 100 AR-15 & 50 Handgun Rounds. ]


Handgun Cleaning & Maintenance

This course will teach you how to break-down your handgun, clean & lubricate it and then reassemble. The course will share recommendations of cleaning supplies. Cleaning kits will be provided and you will leave with your cleaning kit & supplies. This class is limited to 16 persons.

[ $35.00 Up to 2 handguns may be cleaned during class - Inform us of make & model. ]


Gunshot Wound & Major Trauma Care (CAAMP)

This course covers addressing serious injuries, preventing fatal blood-loss. Participants are taught how to properly apply a Tourniquet, how to use 'Combat Gauze' and Chest Seals. 


Tourniquets and IFAK's (Individual First-Aid Kits) will be available for purchase at a substantial discount.

[ $45.00 ]


Dimlight / Night Fire Handgun

The majority of shootings, assaults & robberies occur in evenings and at night.  Addressing a threat at night with your handgun brings about a host of issues.  


A very large concern will be that of lighting.  There may not always be house lights to turn on.  You may be outside or the power may be off. This course covers various techniques for using a handgun in combination with a flashlight. 


[ $45.00  Does not include ammunition.  You will need approximately 150 rounds.  Bring your handgun and holster, 3 magazines and a flashlight.]


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